蒙英洁 4周前 This lonely road I am walking on.我正行走在一条寂静的小路。Where did it begin? Where will it end?.忘记了起点,也看不到终点。And when the dark night comes.当夜色逐渐弥漫。Who will save my soul?.谁将来拯救我的灵魂。On my lonely road will I walk a Iridio 孤独
归颖昕 4周前 I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, and one touch of her hands than an eternity without it. 我闻到过她的秀发在空气中的飘香,我亲吻过她柔软的双唇,我曾触碰到她温暖的手——我宁愿要这些短暂的时刻,也不愿意要没有这些的孤独的永生。 佚名 孤独 温暖
车博文 4周前 情感上拿得起放得下,这个很重要。我已经摆脱了少女的那种情怀,一旦爱上你就天崩地裂、海枯石烂,不生死与共与天绝不够爱。我可以收放自如,你希望我多爱你我就多爱你,你希望我保持多远的距离我就默默离开。而且我会自己找乐子,即便独自一人,我都不会有寂寞孤独自怨自怜。 六六 六六 希望 忧伤 伤感